Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bodyweight Exercises- Lightning Speed Fitness Program | Health ...

Bodyweight Exercises- Lightning Speed Fitness ProgramLet me show you show you a "fast-as-LIGHTNING" way I discovered to melt excess whale blubber, double your energy levels, get pro-athlete fitness and real world or "useable" strength with easy to do 1 to 5 minute "Mini-Workouts."

Who?s got time to waste driving to a gym and then doing 45-minutes to an hour of aerobics or cardio when you could be doing short workouts at home that burn the blubber much more effectively?

Unfortunately millions of obese people are still overweight due to horribly ignorant fitness and dietary advice given by many certified personal trainers around the United States. Good thing I?m not a certified personal trainer, it allows me to think outside the box and not be brainwashed by the orthodoxy.

If you?re doing, one and even two-hour long aerobics sessions to lose weight, you?re absolutely wasting your time and for many people, actually training your body to keep the fat on much in the same way that yo-yo dieting works.

There?s a much faster, better and cheaper way to get fit and melt the body butter once and for all. No more gyms, weights or fancy shmancy exercise equipment needed ever again. In fact, you?re about to discover one of my complete fat burning workouts that lasts a total of five minutes.

Actually, another one of my total body workouts lasts only four minutes and yet even well conditioned athletes have a hard time finishing it.

Don?t worry; you can build up to it gradually over time or modify the intensity to suit your needs. What I?m about to show you is for people of all ages and fitness levels from newbie to pro-athlete level.

Workouts very similar to my own have been scientifically proven to effectively burn up to 9 times more fat per calorie burned than traditional, long slow and boring aerobic exercise sessions.

Yet most certified personal trainers will tell you that you have to do long aerobic sessions lasting an hour or longer to lose weight. They say this because slower activity levels have been proven to burn fat as the primary fuel instead of carbohydrates.

While you are burning fat, this method of exercise also teaches your body to store fat. So while you burn it off initially, your internal fat thermostat remains at a high setting and you end up putting the fat right back on when you eat.

Why does the body do this? Because it needs the extra fat since your doing exercises that rely on fat for the majority of the fuel.

What you need is a system that sets your body?s fat thermostat to low and can help you get pro-athlete conditioning in a third of the time of traditional aerobics.

And wouldn?t it be great if you didn?t need any equipment and could do many of these exercises even while you?re at work, at home, travelling or just about anywhere?

One of the secrets is my discovery of two time-saving "multi-muscle" exercises, that grow 95% of the major muscles in your body. But there?s much more to it than that.

I?ll Bet You $20.00 I Can Improve Your Fitness Without Weights, Gyms or Bulky Exercise Equipment in 15-Minutes A Day Or Less?

(I?ll explain the exact details in just a minute. But first I?d like to share a quick story with you?)

I?m blown away by how fast I am on the tennis courts these days. I feel like someone operated on me and replaced my old legs with bionic, super-athlete legs. My legs seem like they are made of steel and yet feel light as a feather. They have so much power, bounce and resiliency in them. I feel like sprinting all day long.

I?m in my 40?s but I am running faster than I did in my senior year in high school. It seems like I am running down tennis balls as fast as Andre Agassi. Not only that but I can stop on a dime and quickly change direction.

I?ve also noticed that I can jump higher than in recent years and my agility and balance have improved as well. I?m getting these and many other amazing benefits by doing just one simple exercise only 5-minutes per day.

Don?t get me wrong, although this is an easy exercise to learn, it doesn?t mean you won?t be working hard and breathing deeply. However, you?ll love it and feel a sense of accomplishment.

You also get a natural high from an exercise that takes only 5 to minutes to do. You can of course, spend more or less time depending on your goals and fitness level.

This exercise is easy enough for any beginner to learn and use but powerful enough for world class athletes to get amazing fitness and health results. I teach all of my tennis students how to do this exercise in less than 2 minutes.

It doesn?t matter how uncoordinated or un-athletic they are and trust me I?ve had some very uncoordinated tennis students.

It?s really easy to learn for anyone regardless of your current fitness level. But don?t let the simplicity fool you. The results are powerful. You?ll totally transform your body from the comfort of your own home. In fact, this is a go anywhere and do anytime kind of exercise.

I didn?t believe it to be true that you could get in fantastic shape with just bodyweight exercises alone?I was wrong! I was in absolute terrible shape, weighing over 200 lbs and flabby.

I now weight 185 and am really seeing positive muscle growth and strength all over, and lets not forget the weight loss and ab strength I?ve gained!

Roger, I?m going on three weeks now with your exercise program and I feel great. It?s just what I needed for an exercise routine. It?s fast, it?s quick and I feel and see the results already. No gyms, no traveling, just exercising when and where I feel like it! It is definitely the piece of the puzzle that I was missing! Respectfully Yours, Ken Bateman Read more?

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