Monday, January 9, 2012

Anti-Huntsman Ad Too Outrageous Even for Ron Paul (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Demonstrating that there is no nastiness that some people will not shrink from where the presidency is concerned, a group of Ron Paul supporters has produced an ad accusing Jon Huntsman of being a traitor, according to Reuters.

Huntsman, for those who have not followed the current political campaign closely, is a former governor of Utah and ambassador to China who is running for president as a Republican. He speaks fluent Mandarin. His main role is to be so moderate that he makes Mitt Romney seem like Rush Limbaugh. He has consistently run last in most polls.

The ad in question, authored by something called NHLiberty4Paul, questioned two of Huntsman's adopted daughters, Gracie from China and Asha from India. To a sound track of Chinese music, the ad inquires, "American Values or Chinese?" It compares Huntsman to the "Manchurian Candidate" and depicts him wearing a Mao jacket. The ad ends urging the viewer to vote for Ron Paul.

"The Manchurian Candidate" is a novel and a movie about a man who is captured during the Korean War and is brainwashed into becoming a soulless assassin by the Red Chinese. One cannot be confused by what the ad is suggesting, therefore. The image of Huntsman's handler walking into the Oval Office and suggesting that he, "Pass the time by playing a little solitaire," is the stuff of bad melodrama.

Huntsman is understandably outraged. Even Paul, not one to by shy about throwing punches, has disavowed the ad and has wished it be taken down. He can't force the issue. The group running it is independent of his campaign.

One wonders what the purpose of the ad is. It is not as if Huntsman is a threat to anyone's aspirations to be president, not the least Paul.

It occurs to one that the actual target of the ad is not Huntsman at all, but rather Paul. Many of Paul's supporters have been known to be off-putting in their behavior. It seems possible that someone has put together this ad as a false flag operation, deliberately being outrageous in order to taint Paul as being associated with crazy people. It is not a stretch, considering the candidate's flirtation with 9/11 truthers. It will not be the first time such a strategy was used by a rival campaign.


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