Monday, January 30, 2012

Finance: Reflections from 35 years as a financial adviser | Business ...

Here are some reflections on 35 years as a financial and tax adviser:
Dumb Tax Mistakes

  • ?Paper-filing your return ? think: slow and keypunch errors
  • ?Fudging the numbers
  • ?Failing to file or filing late ? think: big penalties
  • ?Using the IRS as a savings account
  • ?Not taking deductions you are entitled to in the mistaken belief it will decrease your chances of an audit ? guess again
  • ?Turning long-term capital gains into ordinary income by not waiting a few days
  • ?Buying municipal bonds because they are ?tax free?
  • ?Doing anything just because it is tax favored or deductible
  • ?Failing to do tax loss harvesting with your portfolio ? think: interest-free loan to the IRS
  • ?Assuming tax rates will go down ? think: You have got to be kidding
  • ?Having large life insurance policies without a irrevocable life insurance trust ?? think: gifts to the IRS
  • ?Not doing annual gifting if your estate will be taxable

Tim Terry

Dumb Investment Mistakes

  • ?Not diversifying ? think: roulette
  • ?Leverage, leverage, leverage
  • ?Not understanding investments ? think: four years in college to understand how to make a living and not investing time to learn the fundamentals of investing
  • ?Not having an investment philosophy
  • ?Expecting investments to conform to ?your? timetable
  • ?Putting all your investments in a country with only 4 percent of the world?s population and a mountain of debt ? think: USA.
  • ?Ignoring emerging markets
  • ?Setting unrealistic expectations on investment performance
  • ?Assuming real estate, wages, stocks and investments will continue to go up ? think: gravity
  • ?Using your home as a credit card
  • ?Not using 529 Plans for your children?s college savings ? think: tax free
  • ?Following the headlines to inform your investment decisions ? think of a boy with a yo-yo walking up the stairs
  • ?Complacency ? I know it is a pain to get rid of those losers but ?
  • ?Failing to think long-term ? successful investing is about slow and steady accumulation of assets over time
  • ?Holding investments to get long-term capital gains treatment without considering market risk

General Financial Mistakes

  • ?Impulsive decision making
  • ?Spending to your earning level ? think: Oops!
  • ?Not staying on top of declining interest rates to refinance loans ? the banker is not going to call you
  • ?Assuming you have to refinance to get a better rate because your mortgage has been sold on the secondary market
  • ?Deciding that vacation home is just what you need, then having to finance it
  • ?Failure to carry adequate life insurance
  • ?Failing to have a will ? think: chaos and lots of fees
  • ?No estate plan to minimize taxes ? think, again: gifts to the IRS
  • ?Ignoring reality ? hey, a budget is just reality
  • ?Thinking Social Security will be there for you ? hello!
  • ?Not setting financial goals and sticking to them
  • ?Not reviewing your financial plan at least annually
  • ?Putting off saving for retirement until your later years ? think: $2,000 a year for 25 years earning 5 percent grows to almost $100,000
  • ?Lottery mindsets
  • ?Allowing emotions to influence your financial decisions
  • ?Not living within your means
  • ?Having no rainy-day fund
  • ?Living on credit
  • ?Not waiting to purchase something with cash
  • ?Not saving when times are good
  • ?Trying to keep up the Joneses
  • ?Keeping up with the Joneses
  • ?Not having adequate health insurance
  • ?Not teaching your children to be financially responsible ? think: ?The Return of the Dependents?
  • ?Not establishing good credit
  • ?Missing a great educational opportunity by not learning from your financial mistakes
  • ?Following the blind: advice from friends who may know slightly more than you
  • ?Loaning money to family or friends
  • ?Acting as a co-signer

Other Financial Mistakes

  • ?Skipping a loan payment (Skipping a payment now only adds a payment at the end and you pay a lot more in interest.)
  • ?Extended warranties
  • ?Payday loans
  • ?Incurring prepayment penalties without obtaining a correspondent interest benefit

And let?s not forget Tiger!

  • ?Tiger Woods tried to sell an image while privately maintaining a completely opposite life style. This resulted in the loss of endorsement deals, a drop in his game and a very expensive divorce. Talk about financial disasters.


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