Thursday, June 30, 2011

NATO-Afghan raid ends hotel assault; 19 dead (AP)

KABUL, Afghanistan ? The first sign that militants were attacking one of Kabul's premiere hotels was an explosion that pierced Jawid's eardrums, prompting him to jump out the window of his room on the first floor into a chaotic scene that quickly turned into a grisly morass of bodies, gunfire and shattered glass.

Nineteen people died ? including all eight suicide bombers ? in a more than five-hour standoff at the Inter-Continental that ended early Wednesday after NATO attack helicopters fired missiles to kill three suicide bombers on the roof.

It was one of the biggest and most complex attacks orchestrated in the Afghan capital and appeared designed to show that the insurgents are capable of striking even in the center of power at a time when U.S. officials are speaking of progress in the nearly 10-year war.

It started with one loud explosion at about 10 p.m. Tuesday, startling hotel guests, including Jawid, who uses only one name.

"There was smoke. People were running everywhere. There was shooting and crying," he said after escaping from the hotel grounds with his family. "The restaurant was full of guests."

The brazen attack occurred just a week after President Barack Obama announced the beginning of a U.S. troop withdrawal next month. The transfer of security responsibility to the Afghans is due to officially begin in seven areas of the nation, including most of Kabul province, in coming weeks.

"Where is the security in this country?" Jawid asked, shaking his head. "Where is the security in this hotel? When I got to the hotel, I had to go through three checkpoints. How did they enter?"

Militants, armed with explosive vests, anti-aircraft weapons and grenade launchers, launched the attack on the eve of a conference in the capital about transition plans.

Ashraf Ghani, chairman of the transition commission, was defiant as he opened the conference, which began Wednesday despite the bloodshed.

"The transition process will be done, and these coward enemies will not stop our plans," Ghani said.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai also vowed that his army and police would be ready to take over from foreign forces as planned, warning the militants are "enjoying the killing of innocent people."

"Such incidents will not stop us for transitioning security of our country" to Afghan forces, Karzai said in a statement.

U.S. Rear Adm. Vic Beck, director of public relations for the international military coalition, said Afghan security forces responded quickly and professionally to the scene ? even though NATO helicopters were later called in to attack militants on the roof of the hotel. NATO said coalition mentors also were partnered with some of the units involved in the incident.

"This attack will do nothing to prevent the security transition process from moving forward," Beck said.

Security at the Inter-Continental and other key installations had been tightened for the conference and other official events taking place in the city. Officials said they were investigating how the insurgents were still able to get through and infiltrate the building, which is frequented by foreigners and dignitaries.

Guests and visitors must pass through a roadblock and guards posted at the bottom of a hill that winds up to the building, then another checkpoint along the road before reaching the hotel where more security guards are set up in a building with metal detectors.

"We believe that there was a loophole in the security," Mashal said. "So far, we don't know how they infiltrated. The intelligence service and the Ministry of Interior will jointly investigate this. We do have a few clues."

Afghan police were the first to respond to the attack, prompting firefights that resounded across the capital. A few hours later, an Afghan National Army commando unit arrived to help.

After hours of fighting, two NATO helicopters opened fire at about 3 a.m. at militants on the roof of the six-story hotel. U.S. Army Maj. Jason Waggoner, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition, said the helicopters killed three gunmen, and Afghan security forces clearing the hotel engaged the insurgents as they worked their way up to the roof.

A final explosion occurred when one of the bombers who had been hiding in a room blew himself up long after ambulances had carried the dead and wounded from the hotel, according to Kabul Police Chief Gen. Mohammad Ayub Salangi.

"We were locked in a room. Everybody was shooting and firing," said Abdul Zahir Faizada, head of the local council in Herat province in western Afghanistan, who was in town to attend the transition conference. "I heard a lot of shooting."

Latifullah Mashal, the spokesman of the Afghan National Directorate for Security, said five of the suicide attackers blew themselves up and three were killed on the roof by coalition helicopters.

The 11 civilians killed included a judge from Logar province, five hotel workers and three Afghan policemen, Mashal said. The Ministry of Interior said a Spanish citizen also was among those killed, but no other information was disclosed.

The ministry said 18 people were wounded in the attack ? 13 civilians and five policemen.

Nazar Ali Wahedi, chief of intelligence for Helmand province in the south, said his room was hit by several bullets. Wahedi, who also was in town for the conference, called the assailants "the enemy of stability and peace" in Afghanistan.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in the capital ? an apparent attempt to show that they remain potent despite heavy pressure from coalition and Afghan security forces. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid later issued a statement claiming that Taliban attackers killed guards at a gate and entered the hotel.

"One of our fighters called on a mobile phone and said: 'We have gotten onto all the hotel floors and the attack is going according to the plan. We have killed and wounded 50 foreign and local enemies. We are in the corridors of the hotel now taking guests out of their rooms ? mostly foreigners. We broke down the doors and took them out one by one.'"

The Taliban often exaggerate casualties from their attacks.

Before the attack began on Tuesday, officials from the U.S., Pakistan and Afghanistan met in the capital to discuss prospects for making peace with Taliban insurgents to end the nearly decade-long war.

"The fact that we are discussing reconciliation in great detail is success and progress, but challenges remain and we are reminded of that on an almost daily basis by violence," Jawed Ludin, Afghanistan's deputy foreign minister, said at a news conference. "The important thing is that we act and that we act urgently and try to do what we can to put an end to violence."

The Inter-Continental ? known widely as the "Inter-Con" ? opened in the late 1960s, and was the nation's first international luxury hotel. It has at least 200 rooms and was once part of an international chain. But when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the hotel was left to fend for itself.

It was used by Western journalists during the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

Twenty-two rockets hit the Inter-Con between 1992 and 1996, when factional fighting convulsed Kabul under the government of Burhanuddin Rabbani. All the windows were broken, water mains were damaged and the outside structure pockmarked. Some, but not all, of the damage was repaired during Taliban rule.

Attacks in the Afghan capital have been relatively rare, although violence has increased since the May 2 killing of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. raid in Pakistan and the start of the Taliban's annual spring offensive.

On June 18, insurgents wearing Afghan army uniforms stormed a police station near the presidential palace and opened fire on officers, killing nine.

Late last month, a suicide bomber wearing an Afghan police uniform infiltrated the main Afghan military hospital, killing six medical students. A month before that, a suicide attacker in an army uniform sneaked past security at the Afghan Defense Ministry, killing three people.

Violence also continued elsewhere in Afghanistan.

A NATO service member was killed Wednesday by insurgents in southern Afghanistan, the coalition said, bringing to 62 the number of foreign troops killed so far this month. More details weren't provided. Also in the south, the director of religious affairs for Kandahar province, was gunned down Wednesday morning in the provincial capital of Kandahar.


Associated Press writer Amir Shah contributed to this report.


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Confrontational Obama rebukes GOP on debt talks (AP)

WASHINGTON ? In a blistering rebuke of Republicans, President Barack Obama on Wednesday pressed lawmakers to accept tax increases as part of a deal to cut the nation's deficits and avoid a crippling government default. "Let's get it done," Obama challenged, chiding Congress for frequent absences from Washington.

Senators from Obama's own Democratic Party quickly said they'd consider canceling next week's July 4 recess to work on a possible agreement. Republicans were already saying they'd better.

In a White House news conference, Obama offered one fresh wrinkle to try to give the economy and pessimistic voters a lift, calling on Congress to pass a one-year extension of the Social Security payroll tax cut that employees got this year. But he used most of the hour-long session to try to sway public opinion his way on the debt debate consuming Washington.

Obama accused Republicans of intransigence over tax hikes, comparing their leaders to procrastinating children and painting them as putting millionaires, oil companies and jet owners ahead of needy students.

The Republican House Speaker, John Boehner of Ohio, shot back that the president was ignoring reality.

"His administration has been burying our kids and grandkids in new debt and offered no plan to rein in spending," Boehner said as the day's events seemed only to entrench both sides. "The president is sorely mistaken if he believes a bill to raise the debt ceiling and raise taxes would pass the House. The votes simply aren't there."

Obama insisted he wouldn't support a deal to cut the deficit unless it includes higher tax revenue, not just spending cuts. Republicans have refused to consider that. The stalemate threatens to derail an extension of the nation's $14.3 trillion debt limit, which in turn could lead the government into an unprecedented default.

"They need to do their job," Obama said of Republicans. "Now's the time to go ahead and make the tough choices."

Professing optimism ? but with a bite ? the president said, "Call me naive, but my expectation is that leaders are going to lead."

Obama's aggressive response came with the country souring on the recovery, the Republican presidential contenders taking aim at his economic record and GOP leaders in Congress challenging him to show more leadership in the debt stalks. His re-election hinges on the economy, and Obama is trying to restore a sense of public confidence.

The Treasury Department says the government is on pace to begin failing to pay its bills by Aug. 2 unless Congress votes to allow the limit on federal debt to rise.

Obama declared that is a "hard deadline" and warned that waiting too long could spook capital markets and prompt investors to bail. Here, too, he tried to put heat on Congress by saying lawmakers should cancel any plans to take days off in July if they can't make substantial progress by the end of this week.

Democratic Senate leaders met later with Obama at the White House and sent word they were considering canceling next week's scheduled recess.

Before that, Republican Rand Paul of Kentucky said that if the Democrats keep the Senate schedule "they are running from this debate." And Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said, "The fact that anyone would even consider recessing at this point in time is absurd."

The House, under Republican control, has been in recess this week but is to return on Tuesday. Democrats hold a majority in the Senate.

Obama said even his daughters, 12-year-old Malia and 10-year-old Sasha, get their homework done ahead of deadline. "Congress can do the same thing," the president said. "If you know you've got to do something, just do it."

Obama sought to reframe the entire debt debate in terms people would care about, accusing Republicans of protecting tax breaks for corporate jet owners on the backs of college students who would lose their federal aid ? even though there is no direct relationship between that tax provision and any particular budget cut. He spoke of eliminating tax cuts that favor the rich and oil companies ? "I don't think that's real radical" he said ? but Republicans contend the White House is pursuing far broader tax changes that would undermine job creation.

At his first formal White House news conference in more than three months, Obama also pushed back against Republican criticism of the U.S.-aided military campaign in Libya, saying congressional concerns about consultation were not substantive.

And he even took a sharp tone toward the business leaders that his White House has tried to court. "The business community is always complaining about regulations," he said in response to one question. "Frankly, they want to be able to do whatever they think is going to maximize their profits."

The president stepped to the podium not long after the International Monetary Fund publicly urged lawmakers to raise the U.S. debt limit, now $14.3 trillion, and warned that failure to do so could produce a spike in interest rates and "severe shock to the economy and world financial markets."

Obama also spoke on the same day that Senate Republicans announced support for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that would establish a new requirement for a two-thirds majority of each house of Congress to raise taxes. "Washington has to stop spending money we don't have," said Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.

On the deficit, Obama said both parties must be prepared to "take on their sacred cows" as part of the negotiations, with Democrats accepting cuts in government programs.

Republicans in Congress have been insistent in recent days that any deficit reduction be limited to spending cuts, including reductions in benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and exclude additional revenues.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Wednesday that Obama "can't call for tax hikes and job creation. It's one or the other."

At Obama's behest, Vice President Joe Biden met for weeks with bipartisan teams from the House and Senate on a package to cut the deficit and, in turn, earn support to raise the debt limit to pay for costs already incurred. Democrats proposed about $400 billion in additional tax revenue, including ending subsidies to oil and gas companies.

The talks halted when Republicans said there was an impasse over the tax issue, and they called on Obama to get more involved.

He bristled over that at the news conference and suggested that ultimately Republicans will give ground on the need to raise revenue, not just cut spending.

"Here in Washington, a lot of people say a lot of things to satisfy their base or to get on a cable news," he said, "Hopefully, leaders at a certain point rise to the occasion and they do the right thing for the American people."


Associated Press writers David Espo, Erica Werner and Laurie Kellman contributed to this story.


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'RHONJ' Recap: Season 3, Episode 7

'RHONJ' Recap: Season 3, Episode 7

Previously: Teresa sat down with her brother Joe, and nothing was resolved. (Not even a table was flipped!) Then she sat down with her sister-in-law Melissa, which is where we left off...

We rejoin the sit-down as Melissa insists that family is not most important to Teresa. As Jacqueline sits in the other room, talk returns to the throwdown... ummm... I mean christening. Melissa claims Teresa knows exactly why Joe told her to walk away, but Teresa plays dumb. Melissa tells Teresa she's fake, especially when the cameras are around.



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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On Its Final Mission, Atlantis to Help Ready NASA for Post-Shuttle Era

News | Space

Space shuttle Atlantis will haul supplies and a robotic experiment to the International Space Station for its final flight

The Robotic Refueling Mission will use NASA's "Dextre" robot [right]. Image: NASA

NASA will send its final space shuttle into orbit this summer, when Atlantis lifts off from Kennedy Space Center for a 12-day mission to the International Space Station.

The mission will garner much attention for what it represents -- the 135th and final flight of NASA's 30-year space shuttle program. But also important is the work that the four-member crew will be doing to ready the International Space Station for the post-shuttle-program era.

"The single biggest purpose of the mission is to provide sufficient supplies to get through 2012 without having to rely on any of the commercial providers that are emerging into the market," said Kwatsi Alibaruho, NASA's space shuttle flight director.

The end of NASA's shuttle program won't mean the end of flights to the space station. Other countries, including Russia, Japan and European nations, will continue to haul cargo and ferry astronauts to the orbiting outpost.

But there are certain tasks that only the NASA space shuttles -- with cargo bays large enough to carry massive, heavy equipment into orbit -- can accomplish. Over the years, the fleet has carried modules, radiators, robotics and other hardware to the space station.

Next month, Atlantis will haul about 8,000 pounds of supplies to the International Space Station: a power unit for in-space treadmills, spare parts for various space station systems, water sampling kits, laptop computers, containers, filter tanks, clothes and food. It is scheduled to launch on July 8.

Also aboard will be a 650-pound module equipped with tools that are designed to refuel orbiting satellites. The module will be delivered to the space station, where it will start performing mock refueling missions in conjunction with the Dextre robot in December. Dextre is a Canadian robot with nine-foot long arms. The module has tools that Dextre will use to start a series of tests.

"It's a big complicated box with lots of tools and lots of satellite-like appendages on it, and it's 4-foot by 4-foot by 4-foot," said Frank Cepollina, a NASA engineer who works on the module. "What we are really trying to do is understand and develop the robotic technology and a robotic technique to repair and maintain spacecrafts in orbit."

Fuel is a determining factor in how long satellites can orbit. There are more than 400 satellites in orbit, mostly communication satellites. In a 10-year period, an average of 88 satellites fail.

"And you want to have repair capability and refueling capability, especially if you're a million miles from Earth," Cepollina said.

Space shuttle astronauts will also perform one final spacewalk during the mission, to remove a failed pump module for the station's two-part cooling system.?

"This is a very important component to get back home intact," Alibaruho said.

The mood at Johnson Space Center, where the crew is deep into ensuring flight readiness for the mission, is bittersweet, Alibaruho said. He noted pride and determination, but also a touch of sadness.

"Many of the people who have in their hand a layoff notice are expected to fly this last mission," he said. "So there's a certain heaviness of heart going into it."

This article is reproduced with permission from PBS NewsHour. It was first published on June 27, 2011.


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Sony's ultraslim 13-inch VAIO Z laptop revealed in Europe, packs external GPU for power on demand

Turns out those leaked shots we saw of Sony's new VAIO Z laptop were right on the money as the company showed it off officially today for the European press. The specs reveal a 13.1-inch "ultramobile" notebook that comes in at under 1.2kg with a 2.7GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 256GB SSD, 8GB RAM, 1600x900 screen (the press release mentions an optional Full HD display) and sheet battery borrowed from the earlier VAIO S for up to 7 hours of computing. Onboard it features only Intel's HD Graphics 3000 solution but the VAIO Z beats other ultralights with its Power Media Dock, which contributes the power of an AMD Radeon 6650M GPU with 1GB of dedicated memory connected via Light Peak when more polygons have to be pushed. The dock sports one USB 3.0 hookup plus additional USB, VGA and HDMI ports, and a slot for either a DVD or Blu-ray drive. There's no word on price yet, but it is promised to ship by the end of July in Europe so if the full specs (included after the break) are appealing then you don't have much time to save up.

Gallery: Sony VAIO Z

Continue reading Sony's ultraslim 13-inch VAIO Z laptop revealed in Europe, packs external GPU for power on demand

Sony's ultraslim 13-inch VAIO Z laptop revealed in Europe, packs external GPU for power on demand originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Jun 2011 23:19:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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Footnotes and Commentary: NYS Gay Marriage Right

A same sex marriage bill passed in New York.

So What?s different?

Nothing has really changed. Gay couples are still together.

People who think a gay lesion is wrong are still thinking the same thing.

The legalities of property rights and spousal rights are now formalized and that has been a major hurdle for gays and lesbians, but the rest is as it was.

I understand the importance of the marriage legalities for any number of reasons, but for those who would never support such a law anyway?nothing has changed.

The Churches opposed the measure, but were basically out-maneuvered by the pro gay marriage forces and the measure passed. Governor Cuomo singed it into law.

Where it goes from here is anyone?s guess.

California passed a similar measure and then rescinded it.

Opponents of the measure may choose to consider and remember that gay and lesbian proclivities and relationships have been in the human behavior psychology for centuries if not eons.

What I find hypocritical is that many individuals and religious organizations teach unconditional love, but both do not practice it. They preach that judgment belongs to a higher authority, but do not accept it as they pass judgment with words like immoral and sinful.

I don?t know about you, but in all things considered absolute by dogmatic edict, I?ll take my chances hanging with an all-loving, non-judgmental All That Is and see what happen when the alleged judgment day comes.

I think there is only a self judgment day, but I?m willing to wait and see.


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Monday, June 27, 2011

Playing Cards ? Almanacs Of A Bygone Era

Playing cards have been with us since as early as the fourteenth century. The mysteries that are yet to be found in them are so numerous. These game implements can give us an idea of the typical attributes & culture of an era, its beliefs, ideas, experiences, and way of life.

Medieval playing cards display a lot of individualism and the freedom of expression. When the Renaissance came the curiosity of the world around grew, the art became truer to life, and explorers were born. Then during the Industrial Revolution the production of the cards were made by power-driven machines in factories.

From playing cards we can learn about craftsmanship, the assembly and amalgamation of elements & materials. These cards have been the focal point for design, invention, or advertisement almost like a cigarette pack-sized almanac of a bygone era.

These decks have a tremendous educational worth, an extensive history and myriads of types & styles all over the world. Some have historical value, others political, then there are souvenir decks for tourists.

The early allusions to playing cards in Europe came from Brabant, Catalonia (Spain), France, Florence, southern Germany, Sienna, Switzerland, and Viterbo (Italy) in the 1370s. No cards from this era have survived but some sources point out that cards were gilt or painted in gold as well as various other colors all done by hand. This hints on the fact that these were luxury packs.

The Medieval theme took pleasure in ornate & colorful designs and miniature art was very much appreciated and applied. But that does not mean that people of this age were lesser in intelligence & sophistication and did not value art & culture as we do nowadays. Their designs are indicative of vivacity & refinement. This practice reached a plateau then the designs shifted to the grotesque, mechanical, or superficial.

The earliest cards that have survived the passing of time came from the 15th century. A deck from the collection of the dukes of Bavaria in 1430 had suits of stags, ducks, falcons, & hounds in reference to the courtly hunt. The original set included 52 cards-the number cards (1 thru 9 plus a banner card) designate by repeating the sign of the suit. The court cards illustrated the suit symbols in harmonious relationship with the human figures- falcons & ducks with masculine courts while stags & hounds with feminine courts.

Whether we regard them as a game or a merchandise, an artifact or something that keeps people together, the fascination with imagery, balanced symmetry and peculiar symbols, is the binding cord that we have in common.

You can purchase decks of playing cards at online retailers. They usually have bridge sets cards as well as plastic bridge cards.


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Readiness Report ? As you know, when you are ready to date again?

You have just gone a divorce or separation is brought on by a lot of pain, and you think you might be willing to date. This raises the question, how do you know when you are ready to date. If you are going to advance the chances were just trying to be with someone, no matter who, just someone who you might meet someone who is completely incompatible with you, you have a bad date and end up feeling even worse. We all want to be with someone, but it ismuch better to have a person that is right for you, and with whom they find to build a relationship.

Before you can proceed to the next chapter in your life, you must ensure that the old come to an end. You probably have some problems from your previous relationship you do with them and brings them before they close the front. It is rare that a person can be responsible for the breaking of a relationship. You must be ableto assume and accept responsibility for your role in the break, and you should be able to forgive your ex for the role they play. I realize that the loss of your ex is much easier said than done, but forgive if you can then draw a line under the episode, and if you can draw a line between them, then you can leave in the past.

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A goodSign that you are ready to date again, that they no longer go on and on about your Ex thought you might be the glazed expression on your friends and noticed familiar faces, or maybe just the thought of your ex does not mean that much more with you. If you spend days without thinking about your ex then you have left the past behind and is looking to the future.

You have a unique comfortable lifestyle, you must be able to live alone, if you can not thenneed to look at the reasons. If you are not happy being single, go out and find someone, the question is, is that some people real feelings for this person or the person who first showed an interest in you have? If you are happy, have to be single, then you can take your time to look, and you can wait until someone who is really interested in is

Well, you might have or could even the most time to enjoy a full and active lives only to make, which alsothe value, so you appear more attractive to potential partners. You have time to engage in a relationship. If you can commit your relationship to the next job must be to create the best possible relationship you want, you're ready for it?

Are you happy with who you are? Like you, and you can see all the positives that you have to offer a potential partner? Or do you want to cry your situation to ensurethat you never find anyone, and never married? If you want to find someone, and build a relationship happy and healthy, then you must believe in yourself and be positive. Smile, be friendly and you will be someone to find matches. If you build your self-awareness that probably someone with a low self-esteem, who would not find to do that for a happy relationship. If anyone has a partner who wants to find one with life and energy, not negative. Ifyou're still waiting on a rollercoaster of emotions from your previous relationship, then, until she recovers, whoever you are. If you are struggling with low self-esteem and find ways how to build, you are at what you achieved only if we learn to believe in yourself be surprised.

If you leave your past in the past and not let it affect your life if you are able to solve all the problems from the previous relationship, have you been ablebuild a fulfilling and active life as a single, more pain and hurt when you have your break, if you are willing to wait until you find the right person, and most important of all to find out if you can trust this person and Treat to your neighbors as something new relationship and full of potential, then you know that you are ready to date.


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Communicate to Work

Everyday, millions of conversations take place across the country. Employers ask, teachers tell, and friends talk. Communication, it is said, is the key to success. for many people with developmental disabilities who cannot speak, the lack of basic communication is an ever present barrier in developing relationships, finding a job, being hired, or performing a job optimally. other than a few exceptions, people who cannot talk do not work. An inability to effectively communicate with peers, employers and support staff most often leads to stereotyping, social rejection and failure in the workplace. Frustration caused by an inability to express basic needs becomes a ?behavior problem? to be fixed, rather than recognized as a signal that someone has something important to say but cannot.

Over the past decade, an emphasis on community involvement and independence has led to increased integration of individuals with and without disabilities in daily activities, but service organizations have not been equipped to build employment opportunities for people with disabilities who are non verbal. Recognizing technological advances in assistive communication and the growing need for community training, InAlliance constructed the Communicate to Work program in partnership with the Communication Technology Education Center (CTEC).

Since 1952, InAlliance has been on the cutting edge of programs and technologies for adults with developmental disabilities. Originally founded by parents of children with disabilities, InAlliance was incorporated in 1968 and currently serves over 400 adults with developmental disabilities in Sacramento and surrounding counties annually. the InAlliance mission supports the belief that people with developmental disabilities have an absolute right and responsibility to participate fully and equally in society and to maximize their quality of life. InAlliance is committed to providing services that contribute to the independence of people with developmental disabilities through job placement, employment training and the facilitation of supports necessary for integrated employment and community living.

CTEC provides services in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in the Sacramento region. AAC is any method that helps a person communicate and participate more fully in community life. it may use either electronic or non-electronic devices such as communication books, boards or voicing devices, IPADS, IPODS, and computers using words, symbols or letters. CTEC provides assessments, training, workshops and ?techsploration?- an opportunity to try out communication devices.

The Communicate to Work Program is an effort to increase integrated employment options by enhancing the communicative abilities of adults with developmental disabilities in the Sacramento region. Of special interest are transitioning age youth with autism who are entering into employment for the first time. in January of 2010, the program offered the first of 30 training sessions for organizations who serve people with developmental disabilities, adults who have communication deficits, and members of social and employment networks who live and work with people with developmental disabilities. in addition to the year-long training sessions, the program includes two state of the art conferences, custom designed consultations, and ongoing mentorship opportunities.

A few of the discoveries that drove InAlliance towards the development of the Communicate to Work project included: ? An assessment completed by the California Department of Rehabilitation indicating a considerable need for services for individuals with communication deficits in the Sacramento region. ? Service providers noting that people with communication deficits are ?stuck at their functioning level because no one has knowledge about technology that could work with people?s strengths.? ? Family members observing that ?a mobile communication device would greatly improve access to communication outside of the home and in the workplace.? ? And most importantly, the opinions of the people in need of assistance who explain, ?Life these days is hard anyway, but so much more when you don?t have a voice to communicate your needs.?

Communicate to Work speaks to the goals of maximizing employment and the independence of Californian?s with developmental disabilities. with increased training of local organizations that provide employment placement and training, InAlliance expects to achieve an increase in the quantity and quality of positive employment outcomes. According to Diana DeRodeff, Executive Director of InAlliance, ?This project will build the capacity of local agencies to serve a more diverse population. they will not only have increased awareness of the technology available to participants with communication deficits, but will have the skills to provide better job matching, job placement and coaching services to the population, using this technology.?

To date, 400 individuals from 11 organizations have participated in the Communicate to Work program. This training and consultation has resulted in increased opportunities for integrated employment for adults with developmental disabilities with limited capacity to functionally communicate. the outcomes have been achieved through increased awareness and communication capacity on the part of the person with the disability, their social network with whom they can better connect, and their service provider, who assists them in job placement and training.

?To have as our focus the remediation of the behavioral problems of people who have developmental disabilities has been short sighted at best,? says DeRodeff who continues, ?Providing an individually designed communication system that opens someone?s ?voice? so that they can be heard, so that their wishes can be respected, so that their dreams can be acknowledged and encouraged, is the best possible outcome one could ever imagine. these new communicators are connecting with their families and coworkers, many for the first time, in a thrilling way. the lesson for everyone involved in this project has been that there is no reason to abandon the voices of people with disabilities. We should never contribute to the challenges faced by people with disabilities by limiting their voice.?

Tags: employment networks, InAlliance mission, Sacramento California, everyday millions, developmental disability, California Department of Rehabilitation, social network
This entry was posted on Sunday, June 26th, 2011 at 11:30 pm and is filed under Developmental Disabilities. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a comment. Pinging is currently not allowed.


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How Much Does Lifestyle Affect Breast Cancer Risk?

Study Suggests Weight, Drinking Habits, and Physical Activity Account for Small Portion of Overall Risk

By Brenda Goodman
WebMD Health News

June 24, 2011 -- Women who are struggling to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, or turn down a nightly glass of wine just got a bit of breathing room, at least as far as breast cancer is concerned.

A new study shows that these modifiable risk factors, even when taken together, account for a relatively small portion of a woman's overall breast cancer risk.

"I was surprised, a little bit, that you really do get a really different view of what is achievable by looking at absolute risks as opposed to relative risks, or attributable risks. The absolute risk reductions are kind of small it seems to me," says study researcher Mitchell H. Gail, MD, PhD, a senior investigator in the division of cancer epidemiology and genetics at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md.

Gail is no lightweight in the field of risk prediction. His research led to the development of a widely used tool that calculates a woman's five-year risk of breast cancer based on things that can't be controlled, like age, family history, ethnicity, how old she was when she had her first child, and her age at her first period. The tool calculates a number that's known as the "Gail score."

His new study, which is published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, shows that non-modifiable risk factors may be more important to determining overall breast cancer risk than things that are controllable, like body mass index (BMI), leisure time physical activity, or alcohol consumption.

Analyzing Cancer Risk

To look at the risks, the study compared 2,569 breast cancer patients to 2,588 women of the same ages who did not have cancer. The women interviewed in detail about a host of things that could contribute to cancer risk like their socioeconomic status, education, occupation, smoking habits, physical activity, alcohol and coffee consumption, dietary habits, and their weights at various ages.

Based on their answers, researchers developed models to try to tease out the relative contributions of physical activity, body weight, and consumption of alcohol to their risk of breast cancer.

Here's an example. The study predicts that a woman who is 65 years old with no other risk factors will have an average risk of developing breast cancer within the next 20 years of about 6.5%. If that woman stopped drinking alcohol, started exercising for at least two hours each week, and maintained a normal body weight, her absolute risk of getting breast cancer would drop about 1.6%, to 4.9%.

Here's the part that often ends up in news headlines. Exercising, staying slim, and not drinking alcohol accounted for about 24% of her overall risk of getting breast cancer. So by doing all those things, she's reducing her risk for breast cancer by 24%, which sounds like a sizeable chunk. But it's only a part of an already small number.


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Sunday, June 26, 2011

A brief analysis of the Best SUV |

It is said how the best excursion vehicles are usually SUVs. This cleverly brings together the passenger-carrying area with the towing capability of a pickup. But how does one choose the best SUV through the cream-of-the-crop?

If you dream about your heart beat throbbing along with a highly effective engine along with a vehicle that will handles ideal, Infiniti SUV is ready to design your dreams become a reality with the QX56. Your current West the Company Certified Infiniti SUV seller can collection you with your dream equipment.

?With a minor quirky look, the QX nonetheless delivers a lot more than you expect. Within you?ll find the actual high-grade leather, stainless accents and also wood lean one would count on from a real luxury journey. Add to these touches a new high-end navigation technique and Bose music system and you have your beginnings of the dream.

The reworking from the Nisan Patrol, the Infiniti SUV QX retained all the excellent parts of this particular rugged SUV along with added a number of extras. The lining is unrivaled and it?s difficult to find almost anything to criticize. Now the cost may be yet another matter. Not too buyers will not likely get double zero worth of luxurious and driving a car pleasure, however it is just a sharp tag to have an SUV and will not be in every person?s price range.

Audi SUV might be not quite the very first car producer that I would likely think of in case challenged to generate a maker with knowledge in the best area. All things considered, there are plenty of apparent SUV choices, along with the full set of brands that produced one thing in the appropriate area is fairly darn intensive. When I think it over a bit more, nonetheless, it is actually very clear that Audi SUV use a small however concise array of impressively good quality SUVs.

Naturally, one could debate that Audi SUV never a single thing that isn?t top quality. The cost highly for his or her expertise, along with the cars go with those rates, often clocking inside at over 55 grand, for their reduce models. A pre-owned Audi SUV dealership can save you money, yet even now! The entire variety shows an amazing spectrum regarding sizes, forms and applications, meaning that they?ve got something respectable in the car local community for ever individual who wants a single. Hatchback, saloon, estate where ever you look, Audi SUV have it.

For SUV range, Audi SUV has got kept the several models nominal. Essential you will find three various species of the particular German automobile brands powerful SUVs, and a couple of them are in fact impressively reasonably priced. The third? Nicely, just waiting, as Audi Sport utility vehicles third and also final SUV is one thing worth waiting, even if you really do not want to.

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Skilled Web Design Company | Reggae Crib/"Author's Best Friends"

These professional net design corporations play a particularly broad function in guaranteeing that businesses either get an internet site that?s attracting the place any customer cannot transfer out of the Internet with out visiting at the least once, otherwise you imagine the other side. There have been many professional web design firms specializing on this discipline, however what determines which one is price hiring and which one is not, is the profit margin obtained by a business after creating the website. A professional design company could have a very good fame of creating a website that is satisfying to both the customers and the business owners.

One has to research earlier than figuring out to one of the best skilled internet design companies. The reason why we?re advocating for skilled web design firms is that some offer higher and economical companies, and a lot of the designers have intensive professional knowledge on easy methods to create one of the best web site for any business. The templates in web design firms present the following options, making it possible to cause that the Indian corporations are better on this field.

In every household, the web performs a really big part. It?s the place all dependable information may be found. And so a lot of people are using this media for nearly anything that they need. They use it as a form of communication, for buying, for his or her job hunt, for food recipes, for serious business transactions and entire lot of different things. Specialists say that the web is the most highly effective media used in the present day, but in contrast to different media, you?ll be able to truly run what you are promoting on-line and not pay a single penny for the rent.

So now we have established the importance of the internet, the query is how do you put it to use for your online business success? Nicely, for that matter what you want is a reliable and person friendly website. Your web site can do plenty of things. It might handle all of enterprise transactions. It serves as your online shop. It?s a community that you should utilize to speak with the suitable audience or the even the individuals inside your company. It is usually the place the advertising and marketing happens. Your website plays an vital function in your on-line enterprise success. If you want to seriously take advantage of the web, then you could take your web site?s development seriously.

What Considerations Your Web Designs?

There are numerous elements that impacts your website design however it all begins within the designing process. If you wish to have a properly designed web site then it is advisable to hire a web design company that has years of experience on this field. Not many know that the designing process is not only about how lovely the designs are but at how person pleasant it is. Except for that your design also needs to appeal to net spiders for fast indexing. A search engine optimized web design is exactly what you want to create a successful on-line business.

Advantages of Hiring Skilled Internet Design corporations

A extremely qualified web site design firm has the ability to create a design primarily based on the type of business you operate. They should be capable of provide you with designs that may target the right audience and never just any audience. An expert web design company would do a background research to create a tailor-made web design that may increase your small business profit.

They ship prime quality and attractive internet designs

Professionals solely ship top quality designs, which they base on their background analysis on the company. This is very important for internet designing. Some individuals are not conscious of the significance of background research. They simply base their designs on aesthetic options alone. The design should goal the proper audience nonetheless. It?s best to know how one can satisfy and entice the precise viewers to stay on your web site and purchase your merchandise or services.

Professional web design company provide a service that plays a very essential position in assembly the aim or object of any business. It is called a tremendously useful driving advertising and marketing instrument; thus, nearly every business individual is trying forward to having skilled outsource seo that may give them an internet site that?s attracting to prospects worldwide.


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Fitness Equipment Tips | New Health Online -

There was a sharp increase in the area of fitness equipment to home in recent years. But do not make the mistake of buying apparatus and then forgetting why you bought it, do not want to return a few days of purchase. It is easy to get caught in the moment that you see advertising on television, but these ads do not have time to tell the truth. Think carefully to ensure that their motives for buying fitness equipment are correct.

As each piece of fitness equipment at home has a different function and is designed to exercise or train different body parts and activities with the team should be difficult and that you love. If this is the first time you buy a team like this, it would be better if you find a room, perhaps in his gym, where it would be possible to check first hand if you know how to use automatically feel at home and will not be in vain. Make sure you can afford and do not be fooled into thinking you?ll probably use something, after spending much money on it, the cost is not the reason to use, what you may think . Always consider the amount you are willing to pay for some equipment and you wonder if it?s worth, always check the quality before buying the team.

Price is not a guarantee of quality, the team must be verified, because there are many cases of expensive equipment made sloppy and vice versa. Always look on the first classified ads, since many people who start with good intentions but can not perform physically so close to the new systems may be picked up at significant discounts. If this fails, what is the control stores and the former Fitness Equipment Demonstration House will be on sale often with a considerable discount because they are awaiting delivery of new to arrive. This device is much larger than it appears in stores and you should consider when you put it.

When his team will live should be developed carefully, even if a favorite spot is the garage. Consider whether the training equipment is safe to use and if you have existing medical conditions, do not forget to check with your doctor to make sure they will be able to use it. While you treat the fitness equipment to ensure they do not cause trouble, because if you do you will refrain from using it. You may be lucky to find a fitness club willing to provide free practice sessions where you can get a chance to try a variety of equipment, which should give you a good idea if you have more profitable buy home exercise its own equipment. If you are still unsure of your decision then ask a trainer what he or she thinks about what he wants.

George Sandler -
About the Author:

George Sandler is a freelance writer, you can read more of his jobs about 55 gallon fish tank


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Some Keys Of Personal Finance When It Comes To Structured Settlements

Principles of finance with regards to the financial situation of an individual, is termed personal finance. These principles stand as the only direction, that is observed in the process of financial activities by an individual or family; with clear analysis of unforeseen financial circumstances. A good example to this arrangement is ?Structured Settlements?. Within the next few minutes, let us take a detailed look at structured settlements.

What Is A Structured Settlement?
Structured settlement is a monetary payment decision, that involves a timely payment of financial debt from a defendant to a Plaintiff who settles a case. As an example, when there is a large amount of money to be paid to a Plaintiff, an agreement may be reached to accept payments over a period of time. Structured settlement can provide for payment in any schedule that the two parties choose ? when both parties agree on a common method, they work with it. You can also look into Structured Settlement Loans

Advantages Of Structured Settlements
Structured settlement is a very good way of avoiding tax payment when it is properly scheduled. it saves the defendant some money, helping him to channel his money to clearing his debt.

It creates provision for the occasional settlement of financial needs, mostly by the Plaintiff. Also, it helps a defendant with dissipated money issues, to meet up with the payment agreements. Through this format, it is beneficial to both the Plaintiff, as well as the Defendant.

Disadvantages Of Structured Settlements
Many have tasted structured settlement, but they feel trapped. This is because they found themselves unable to satisfy urgent financial needs, for instance, to buy new car, house renovation, etc. More often than not, individuals may just want to take control of their money, instead of waiting from time to time for split settlements. These and more are why many people do not like to go into structured settlements, especially those with urgent financial needs.

Structured Settlement Marketing
selling your structured settlement, is a profitable business. Many laws and obligation policy are lying in wait, and other restrictions to selling structured settlements ? mostly those that does not involve the payment of tax. Making profit from selling structured settlements, depends a lot on your residence area and business terms.

take a look at some ?dumps? that you have to be cleared off, as you deal with structured settlements. Ensure that the commission charged for setting up a structured settlement, does not take up to 40% to 50% of the principal amount. There is need to compare fees, plus the commissions for packages of your choice. Be sure to find out the financial benefits due to your lawyer, from any financial firm he/she recommends.

Find out about life benefits, with structured settlements. And be cautious with arrangements, where payment will cease upon death. You will need multiple companies for huge settlements; you are secured if any thing should happen to any of them.

I hope that you understood the principles here. Visit my website for more personal finance tips.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Modern Skin Care Merchandise Offered Now ?

A great deal of women are always trying and looking for brand new products that return the skin to its youthful state. Wherever you might be inside the world, it is actually a reality that women generally seek the best facial creams. Here are a few of the most acclaimed beauty products to help your skin.

1. Whenever you talk about rejuvenation of the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, this is what Obagi skin care items aim to do. All their goods are produced so that you can do something for human skin. This California-based brand is popular all over the globe for skin care items that truly deliver.

The makers of this item have regarded as how the sun damages the skin together with other elements. They?ve so many Obagi goods and some of them are Obagi Professional-C Serum, Obagi Nu-Derm, Elastiderm Eye Treatment, and Obagi Condition and Boost For Non Surgical Procedures. Every thing you will need from creams, facial cleansers, and serums are accessible in their item line.

2. There is certainly another product that focuses on skin rejuvenation and it is actually known as Vivite. They rely on employing hyaluronic acid, collage, along with the epidermal growth factor so as to repair skin. These ingredients are vital for healthy skin. Their lip plumper, eye creams, firming lotions, serums, and creams are also out there. Women who are over forty years old can absolutely benefit from Vivite.

three. Aside from those brands, Neostrata is also an extremely very good item for skin care. Those who have challenges with skin clarity are the targets of this product. The ingredients of this product can also eliminate lines around the fact mostly associated with older girls. Numerous goods in the marketplace right now give anti aging ingredients but not a lot of them are extremely successful. The hydroxyl acid identified inside this product is what makes it useful.

4. A distinctive item that offers quick outcomes is Murad Skin Care. The cell is commonly damaged everyday so they developed an item which will serve as a barrier to safeguard the cells. As the item protects, the ingredients also promote wholesome skin renewal. Moisturizing also takes location if you apply any of their toners, serums, lotions, wrinkle reducer, and cleansers.

If you would like additional particulars about the effects of these items, you may try logging on to dermacare?s website. There is a wide assortment f skin care items that come with cost-effective costs. And on the subject of brands, Crucial Derm Care only gives the most professional skin care products.

Your health is one of the issues that can not be paid for when they are usually lost. Develop a sensible choice with obagi and live a long and healthy and balanced lifespan.


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In Soweto, Michelle Obama urges fight against AIDS (AFP)

SOWETO, South Africa (AFP) ? US First Lady Michelle Obama invoked the legacy of South Africa's liberation struggle Wednesday to urge young people to end the AIDS epidemic, in a speech at a landmark Soweto church.

Regina Mundi church was once a haven in the sprawling Johannesburg township for activists fighting white-minority rule, and Obama tapped into that memory and the American civil rights movement to encourage young leaders.

"It is because of them that I stand before you as first lady of the United States of America," she said to applause from about 1,000 people gathered in the church for her speech, which was broadcast nationally and shown on jumbo screens for an overflow crowd in a nearby park.

"That is the legacy of the independence generation, the freedom generation. And all of you, the young people of this continent, you are the heirs of that blood, sweat, sacrifice and love. So the question today is, what will you make of that inheritance?"

More than 70 young women leaders from across the African continent were brought to Soweto to hear the speech and meet Obama.

"You can be the generation that ends HIV/AIDS in our time, the generation that fights not just the disease, but the stigma of the disease, the generation that teaches the world that HIV is fully preventable, and treatable, and should never be a source of shame," Obama told them.

Her 34-minute speech linked the anti-apartheid struggle to modern times, urging young Africans to take a stand in their own neighbourhoods against corruption, poverty and violence against women.

She ended her address by reprising her husband's 2008 campaign slogan: "Yes we can."

Soweto is often held up as a sign of the change in South Africa since Mandela won the country's first all-race elections in 1994, but also of the challenges that remain.

Paved roads, electricity and running water are widely available, and shopping malls, hotels and tour groups now mark neighbourhoods once synonymous with political violence.

But while mansions have sprung up and property values skyrocketed, shantytowns remain in the most visible sign of the chasm between rich and poor South Africans.

The speech was Obama's first public remarks since arriving in South Africa late Monday on a tour that will also take her to neighbouring Botswana.

On Tuesday, the first lady, her mother and her two daughters paid tribute to the legacy of Nelson Mandela, getting a rare meeting with the increasingly frail 92-year-old liberation leader at his home.

Mandela's legacy defines much of her weeklong tour. His image towers from paintings and stained-glass windows at Regina Mundi, still scarred by bullet holes from a siege by apartheid police during the 1976 Soweto uprising.

After the church, Obama visited a memorial to Hector Pieterson, a 12-year-old boy killed during the student uprising in protest at apartheid education policies.

She joined Pieterson's sister, Antoinette Sithole, in laying a bouquet of white flowers at the memorial, observing a moment of silence before entering the adjoining museum.

Outside, small children from a nearby day care sang "Mrs Obama, there is no one like you" in Sotho and greeted her with homemade signs that read: "We love you Mrs Obama" and "Welcome to South Africa".

Obama also planned to meet the young women leaders brought to Soweto from around the continent to discuss their efforts in projects that range from fighting corruption to caring for AIDS orphans.

On Thursday she would visit Robben Island, where Mandela spent 18 of his 27 years in prison, and meet Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu in Cape Town, before heading to neighbouring Botswana for a safari on Saturday.


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Reading Program Reviews: Creating a Great Student Reference Library.

Creating a Great Student Reference Library.

Hi Stephanie,

A very important step in preparing a great home or school learning experience is a student reference library. Reference books are used daily, and my students and I would be lost without them, these books are the foundation of my classroom reference library.

Student Reference Books

Reading and Language Arts Reference Books:

Writer's Express: A Handbook for Young Writers, Thinkers & Learners: Language Arts Reference Book Intermediate

Grade 4-6-This guide for aspiring writers is similar to, although written for a somewhat younger audience than, Patrick Sebranek's Write Source (Write Source, 1987), a popular textbook for middle-school language-arts classes. Kemper covers the writing process, its various forms, tools and study skills, and spelling and punctuation, and includes a nearly 50-page appendix of tables and lists, including maps, a timeline, the sign-language alphabet, the planets, and more. The volume is illustrated with colorful cartoon graphics, and bold headings make it easier for readers to locate information. A useful addition for classroom or home use, this title is less appropriate for library purchase as it serves better as a textbook or personal handbook.
Connie Tyrrell Burns, Mahoney Middle School, South Portland, ME
Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Reader's Handbook Gr 3, 4, or 5: All are great Reading Reference Books

Reader's Handbook covers everything third graders need to become competent, active readers across all subject areas. Student-friendly and comprehensive, the Reader's Handbook can be used in a variety of ways to supplement your reading program.

Introduce key reading skills, strategies, and concepts including notetaking, summarizing, paraphrasing, and graphic organizers

Reinforce lessons from your reading textbook

Review the Before, During and After reading process

Support students as they read different kinds of text throughout the day

The Giggly Guide to Grammar: Just a fun way to learn grammar.
It's Shel Silverstein meets Strunk and White and the results are both hilarious and instructive. With over 120 illustrations and gobs of delightfully goofy examples and exercises, this book provides a lighthearted and ludicrous guide to the essential elements of language and grammar...not to mention a few writing tips thrown into the mix.

Grammar has often been taught as joyless process of memorizing rules and diagramming phony sentences, but most writers will tell you that grammar actually promotes a love of language. Not only can the study of grammar be fun and joyful, this unique primer can also be used by adults everywhere who simply need a single volume at the ready to keep them on the straight and narrow...and laughing all the way!

But How Do You Teach Writing?: A Simple Guide for All Teachers: Teaching writing is a pleasure using Barry Lanes ideas.
Through anecdote, classroom vignette, and his own experience as a writer and teacher, Barry encourages teachers of any grade level to start a writing program tomorrow and not wait until they have attained perfect understanding. Barry's motto: Let's learn along the way! For use with Grades K-12.

Good General Math Reference Books ?

Everyday Mathematics: Student Reference Guide:?

Math Practice, Grades 1 - 2 (Singapore Math) Use the level that fits Brady best!
Singapore Math??the leading math program in the world! This workbook features math practice and activities for third grade students based on the Singapore Math method. An introduction at the front of the book explains Singapore Math and its common problem types. Each unit has learning objects, which clearly define the skills to be learned in that section, and an answer key with step-by-step worked out solutions that help students see how to work the problems. This book is perfect for students familiar with Singapore Math and for those who just need extra math practice

The World Book Encyclopedia: All kids need access to great encyclopedias.

A Little More to Come!

I love your blog! I'm writing to ask for your opinion if it wouldn't be too much of an imposition. My son is very bright and has mild Aspergers. He is reading above grade level but struggles with pragmatics (if it isn't specifically stated in the text he has trouble drawing inferences). I am homeschooling him for 2nd grade because we were unable to find a program that seemed like a good fit. He is labeled "twice exceptional" and has an amazing, wonderful, fascinating brain. I kept hearing the words "he can't" when he clearly can do anything he sets his mind to. He was starting to feel like a problem child and hate learning, when he has always been curious, interested, and happy to read anything interesting that I provided. So, we decided to take advantage of the large homeschooling community in our area and will be giving it a try, but I'd like some guidance from a professional that has high standards and understands learning differences. I've seen your comments on Huffington Post and read your blog and you seem to be an incredible teacher with a great understanding of kids and reading. I would really appreciate any suggestions you would be willing to share.

I am having trouble finding a good Language Arts curriculum that will challenge and interest him and we start homeschooling in 2 weeks. For 1st grade his school used Scott Foresman Reading which seemed to be almost an entire grade level above what our Virginia public schools are using. I would just skip to a 3rd grade LA curriculum but I think he needs more practice due to his issues with pragmatics which negatively impacts his reading comprehension (he remembers what he has read, but might not understand it thoroughly due to difficulty drawing conclusions). He is very good at spelling, has the vocabulary of a much older child, and is very interested in science and technology. My plan for the summer is to help him develop an ear for the English Language through reading poetry together, listening to songs and analyzing the various methods used by song writers to make lyrics interesting (double meanings, alliteration, rhyming, patterns, etc.), reading well written literature that has stood the test of time, and reading news for kids to understand writing for different purposes. He already knows what homophones, nouns, proper nouns, and antonyms are and has fun discussing them as we read so I would like to continue with grammar but it will not be our main focus. We will be using Mad Libs to continue learning parts of speech in addition to any curriculum.

I am looking for ways of determining his reading level. His teacher was unable to provide much information, but when I asked if 3rd grade books would be too advanced, she said no. I would guess that he reads at a 4th grade level. I am looking for a good reading list (chapter books, websites, magazines, and poetry).

More Information:

Writing is a struggle for him. Keeping an idea in his head and remembering all of the rules and how to form lower case letters at the same time is very challenging, so I am looking for a Language Arts curriculum that inspires him to want to write.Handwriting is a struggle, but he has asked that we begin learning cursive, so I will give it a try without pushing too hard. I'm trying to decide if narration, dictation, and copy work would be good tools for us to use until he is more developmentally ready to write down his thoughts independently and he will be using software to learn to type to see if that helps him put his thoughts down on paper more easily.

He scores 99th percentile on standardized tests (ERB).

Brady will turn 7 on July first, so he was always the youngest in his class. That is one of the reasons I was willing to take the chance on a year long homeschooling experiment; if I had it to do all over again I would have waited a year to put him in school. We didn't know he was on the Autism Spectrum until he was 5 and he was so bright that I put him in preschool at 3. His teachers said holding him back a year would be a mistake because he was already so bored, and he does very well when worked with one on one, so hopefully I am not damaging him for life!

Is there a standardized test that is a better indicator of understanding and knowledge than the school system typically uses? In Virginia we are required to test each year as proof of progress when homeschooling, but it seems many standardized tests these days are more about the teacher than the student.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, any recommendations at all would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, Stephanie


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