Monday, September 12, 2011

Lung-Brain Cancer: An Impossible Healing Part 4. What It Takes to ...

In my book, Prostate Cancer Healed Naturally, I wrote, ?To me, cancer is not just about a tumour in your breast, lung or liver. It is about you, as a human being. There is this quotation, There is no incurable disease, only incurable people. Therefore, my lengthy interview with patients enable me to assess each patient as a whole and ?predict? the probable outcome ? whether we would be able to repeat the healings that we experience in CA Care. Unfortunately, only 30 percent of patients who came to us can benefit from our therapy.?

Let me say again, it not just about taking my herbs. Many patients come to us with a very high expectation of finding a ?magic bullet?. We have none. Over and over again, my experience tells me that the most important criteria for success is the person himself. This statement also applies to those who care for the patient. When a person in the family is down with cancer, it also means that everyone in the family is somehow is equally affected by the illness. That is why, sometimes I insist that the whole family come and meet me. By meeting them, I would be able to ?sense? what is ?really going on.? Talk to those around the patient and from what they say and how they behave I could sense what the eventual outcome would be. I often tell patients, ?After talking to you for five minutes, I would probably know if I can help you or not.? Perhaps, most patients don?t understand what I meant by this.

Having assessed the patient as a person, I shall then proceed to prescribe herbs. This is a very simple thing to do.

We receive many emails each day. These email writers expect to find healing from the comfort of their own world ? hoping to find ?cures? with a minimum of effort.? CA Care cannot help such people.? Ours is a hard and windy road to take.

Learn from the experiences of Suri?s case. During her first visit here, I was very blunt with her husband and daughter. Let me repeat what I told them that night, ?I don?t want to mislead or cheat you ? making you believe that you can find a cure here. Don?t think too much or too far! If she cannot drink the herbal teas I prescribed, there is no need to bring her here again. There is nothing I can do. But if she can drink the teas, she may benefit from them. And I shall do my best to help.?

Even today the words that I said to them that night still ring in their ears. Despite these ?hard? words the message was well taken. For the next few days and weeks, Suri?s husband, daughter, sister and others, were ?battling? with a rebellious patient who did not want to swallow the herbs! But they did not give up. I dare say that it is their perseverance that made this amazing healing possible.

Hear the story for yourself.



This was what happened:

  • Daughter: The first time she took the herbs, she spat out the herbal tea on my face. She yelled ? ?Get out, get out. Don?t let me drink this.? She knew that we were boiling something. She asked, ? What is that medicine ? very smelly.?
  • Daughter: This is good medicine for you.
  • The first day (turning to his nephew) even his mother got the herbs on her face. (This lady is another sister who lives in Penang).
  • Then what we did was to divert her attention away from the herbs. We joked with her. When she was more relaxed, four or five people held her head, hands and legs and we poured the herbs into her mouth. She kicked and yelled, ?Let me die, let me die. I don?t want to drink the medicine. Let me die.?
  • Daughter: Mother, you do not say such things. This medicine is good for you. Normally you did not have problem taking medicine. Why are you wanting to make things difficult now?
  • Chris: Wah, if you do not have a ?firm heart? and do not believe in what we are doing, you all would have given up.
  • The first few days were real ?terrible?. I was afraid that she would bite her tongue. So I put my fingers into her mouth and let her bite me. She resisted strongly and refused to drink the herbal tea.
  • That is what I mean ? if you don?t believe and do not help yourself, nobody can help you. I remember telling you that when you first came.
  • The first time we came to see you, I said to you,? Doc., can you give us tablets instead of the tea?. You replied, ?No we only have the herbal tea. If you cannot take the tea then there is no need to come and see me.?
  • Daughter: So we had no choice. She spit it out, we put it in again. She spit out all the herbs and my whole dress was wet.
  • If you did not have this ?firm will? you would not have any hope.
  • Exactly.
  • This is the message I would like to impart to all patients who come and see me. Many would say, I don?t like the bitter and smelly taste of the herbs, etc. I tell them to go home. I can?t help such people.
  • Daughter: I told everyone. Let?s have patience, have patience.
  • After taking the herbs for three days, the headaches were better?
  • Headaches were less.
  • When you came you also said she vomited. How long did it take for your to see some positive results?
  • Sister: She vomited after taking the herbs. About a month later, we started to see improvements.
  • After joking and some persuasion, she started to take the herbs without resistance. Then we have to bribe her. We gave her some money, and she would drink the tea voluntarily.
  • Sister: I left my family and came to stay with her for more than two months.
  • Early every morning I bring her out for a walk in our housing park. She walks around the basket ball court. Depending on her strength she would walk four to twelve rounds each morning.

Things went on fine. Then at the end of August 2011, Suri had a fall ? ending up with two lumps on her head. Then she developed severe headaches. ?Her sister called us. I requested that they come and see me immediately. ??Suri, her husband and her younger sister flew to Penang on 28 August 2011 to undergo the e-Therapy at our centre. Unfortunately, this was the most awkward time to fly ? Ramadan. Flights from Jakarta to Penang on all airlines were fully booked. They had to fly business class on Malaysian Airlines. It cost US$1,025.80 (8.6 million rupiahs) per person ? and there were three of them!

From my observation being with them for many days, her husband and her younger sister were very dedicated caregivers. I salute them for their commitment and dedication. When they were here in Penang, we worked through the Hari Raya and Independence Day holidays. Every morning Suri underwent the e-Therapy. The results were just beyond our expectation.

This is the most rewarding experience for all of us ? the patient and her family and me and my? wife.

Read the full story ?

Part 1: Hope after a disaster

Part 2: A week of amazing healing

Part 3: Reflection and confession of a husband

Part 4: What it takes to be a winner

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In obedience to God's will and counting on His mercies and blessings, and driven by the desire to care for one another, we seek to provide help, direction and relief to those who suffer from cancer.


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