Tuesday, September 6, 2011

MLM Downline Building Strategies That Work | Network Marketing ...

MLM downline building is the one skill that eludes most people who enter the world of network marketing. ?Everyone knows that the secret to building a lucrative business hinges on the business owner?s ability to attract, enroll, equip and reproduce like minded business owners into their organization. ? Without continual momentum in these key areas, the business owner has very little chance of seeing success at building their downline. ? The great news for anyone serious about building their business, is that MLM downline building is not complicated, it simply requires a commitment to some very basic principles.

mlm downline building

MLM Downline Building

This is so simple, it almost seems ridiculous to say it; however, failing to talk to people is the number one reason most people fail in their network marketing business. ? To be effective at MLM downline building, one must first come to terms with the fact that a network marketing business is a business built on interpersonal relationships. ? Without communication, relationships are neither formed or nurtured and therefore, the business never grows.

The first step any serious network marketer needs to make to create team building momentum is simply to begin talking to people. ? Without conversations, sales do not take place, nor do additions to your MLM downline. ? In fact it has been my experience that the majority of people who join your team without having first had a conversation with you, tend to be some of the worst performing team members in the organization. ?Creating dialogue with prospects does a number of things for your business. ?First of all it develops a relationship and out of that relationship trust can be nurtured and built. ?Aside from that, those conversations position you as a leader in the industry. ?Your prospects will have greater confidence in your abilities to lead them in building their own business, the more opportunity they have to communicate with you.

MLM Downline Building Requires Commitment

The two C?s ? communication and commitment. ? A willingness to communicate is the first step, but a commitment to continue talking to people has to be in place as well. ? Without a commitment to the process of communicating, your team building will be short lived. ? Unfortunately with all of the tools and resources we have available to us today, it is much too easy to become distracted and ignore the fundamentals that are going to build your business over the long term. ?When you stop making regular conversations with prospects a part of your daily routine, you will also stop growing your business.

One of the easiest ways to maintain your commitment to productive business building activities is simply to put it on your daily calendar or to-do list. ? In my own business, I set aside a block of each afternoon for the express purpose of making phone calls to the leads who have come into my marketing system during the past 24 hours and provided a phone number. ? As an interesting side note, the ratio of people who conduct business with me is about 60% higher than it is with those who have no contact with me. ?If you will commit the majority of your business building time to talking with prospects, you will find that you become highly effective at sponsoring others and building your organization. ?Your habits are also critical, because they will be the example that you are setting for your team to follow.

MLM downline building doesn?t have to be difficult. ?By making a commitment to regular communication with your prospects, you can be assured you will see your team growing as the days go by.

P.S. ?Recently one of my colleagues led a training webinar in which he shared the MLM downline building strategy he has used to sponsor 14-25 leaders per month into his network marketing business. ? By consistently utilizing this strategy, he has propelled himself to the top income leader in his company.

I have been given permission to share this private training with my blog viewers.

Sign in now for immediate access to this exclusive training.

Related posts:

  1. 3 Keys to Building an MLM Downline
  2. Being Selective When Building Your MLM Downline?
  3. How to Build Your MLM Downline ? Talk to People
  4. How To Reduce Apathy In Your MLM Downline
  5. If You?re Not Training Your MLM Downline, Someone Else Is!
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Source: http://carlwillis.com/mlm/mlm-downline/mlm-downline-building-strategies-that-work/

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