Sunday, July 3, 2011

Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship And What it Means ? SEO ...

To be in a relationship means to be able to relate to someone you love. Being in a relationship is the most beautiful state to be in. Many of you readers might be in a relationship already or might be looking forward to getting into one. Just as it takes two to tango, it also takes two to build healthy relationships. A successful relationship takes a long determined effort by both the partners. There are many characteristics of a healthy relationship. Let?s make a start to build healthy relationships as we go through characteristics of healthy relationship. A nice idea would be to read the traits of a good relationship with your partner.

Characteristics of a Healthy Relationships

Congratulations for making it to this page! The next step towards building healthy relationships would be reading this article with your spouse or partner as mentioned earlier. If that?s not possible, then you have an interesting topic to talk about with your love on the dinner table tonight. For more on stages of healthy relationships, read on.

Sharing is Caring

Sharing is not restricted to sharing of tangible items with your loved one. Busy lives leave little room for sharing our personal space with the person we love. This makes them feel dejected and often neglected. Share with your partner the events of the day, what was the highlight and the low point. Ask them what did they do and how their day was. Try beginning with different questions such as ?What did you eat today for lunch?? or ?What were you working on today??. Beginning with different questions can help your spouse open up differently and help him/her share things that are generally left out.

Earn Respect

?You can?t be respected, unless you learn to respect? is the true basis of a healthy relationship. Constantly making fun of your partner by jokes, abusing him or her, subjecting him to public humiliation and among friends, can leave indelible scars on the relationship. Respect your partner?s discomforts and try to strike a balance. Appreciate your partner?s career choices and if you disagree, try to talk it out instead of acting unreasonably protective. For more on making a relationship last, go on reading.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Signs of a healthy relationship will tell you that honesty is the best policy. Being honest implies to both, the man and his lady. Once again, busy lives have been the reason for ?emotional infidelity?, but the same can be resolved by understanding each other and devising ways of better communication. Communication differs from talking, as the former includes comprehension and its implementation than just hearing. Honesty will prevail only if you understand and appreciate the person you are with. Thus, an important relationship advice is to be honest and open in your approach.

Promise a Commitment

Relationship issues develop due to lack of commitment and the feeling of helplessness. ?Commitment? is an unwelcome word for many. However, it is because we are worried about losing freedom, that we devalue commitment. We fail to see that committing to the person we love is actually freeing ourselves from the fear of losing freedom. In this way, we can be more free than what we are. Commitment means being there for the person you love, knowing him, understanding his points of view, accepting him just as he is and loving him unconditionally like every moment is your last! Characteristics of a good relationship, will time and again show that you are committed and belong to him like water belongs to the sea. But the important part of ?commitment? is, that it needs to come mutually, which strengthens the relationship.

Healthy relationships are honeymoons that never end. Building healthy relationships is setting a foot on the journey that would lead, and surely lead you to happiness. The destination may be far off, but the journey will teach you lessons of love, learning and understanding. Before you get into a relationship, learn to relate to the person you want to be with. This will give you a head start to begin the most romantic honeymoon ever!

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