Monday, July 4, 2011

Pro Wrestling Digest ? Blog Archive ? Pro Wrestling Ohio 7/1/11

PWO TV #124 ? June 26, 2011 ? Gargano Faces His Attacker

PWO Wrestling ? your televised pro wrestling alternative, with more guts, more desire, and more heart, from a young hungry roster competing to steal the show. Old school meets new age and tradition meets tomorrow, its pro wrestling the way you want it to be! It?s Cleveland-owned, nationally renowned!



Watch online now at this link ?

Scheduled for this week?s broadcast?

Johnny Gargano Confronts His Attacker
Almost four months ago, Johnny Gargano?s life changed forever. Not only did he lose the PWO Title, but an unknown masked man assaulted Gargano from behind, breaking a television camera over the back of Johnny?s neck. Absolutely no one has come forward to take credit for the deed or explain why they did it, leaving many scratching their heads. Upon his return to PWO TV, Gargano gave the masked man a 3-week ultimatum to show himself and explain their actions. Three weeks is up this Sunday night. There are many men in Gargano?s past who have been rumored to be involved, will we see any of them live and in person when Gargano calls out the unknown assailant?

PWO Title: Jason Bane vs. ?Amazing? N8 Mattson
This match was originally signed to main event last week?s episode of PWO TV but due to the chaos of the Marion Fontaine/Justin LaBar situation we ran short on television time. This week, however, to make it up to our fans, we will present this match at the very top of the hour, beginning of the program. You will not want to tune in a moment late! Bane and N8 have had wars before, including for the PWO Title, as N8 has made it clear he aims to amass all PWO?s gold into the Sons of Michigan faction. However, Bane has lived up to his name as PWO?s Most Dominant Champion, trampling all contenders that have come his way. Recently, ?The Embodiment of Evil? Krimson has issued several warnings toward the champion. How will this impact Bane?s defends vs. Michigan?s finest?

Marion Fontaine Responds To Kevin Nash News ? Promises ?Big? Surprise
Last week, Marion Fontaine tried to seriously injure Wrestlezone jounalist Justin LaBar, simply because Fontaine did not agree with LaBar?s opinions. However, LaBar had back-up, both in the form of the returning ?Omega? Aaron Draven and the huge news LaBar dropped that he was bringing the legendary Kevin Nash to Cleveland to take on Marion Fontaine. Fontaine has had time to re-group and promises to have a surprise of his own this week, and also plans to respond to Justin LaBar?s Kevin Nash challenge. Fontaine has never been afraid to speak his mind and do whatever he wants, regardless of whom it may hurt. There is no telling what Fontaine will do this week!

Benjamin Boone vs. Bryan Castle
The two biggest men to compete in the PWO Wrestlelution 4 Four-Way Elimination Match for the PWO Tag Team Titles will meet one-on-one! Boone has been more ferocious and aggressive than ever before, while Castle has been struggling to learn the ropes under the tutelage of Brian Bender. Which team will gain momentum heading into a huge tag title collision August 7th?

Gregory Iron vs. Brian Bender
Another battle for tag team momentum, a week ago Iron?s partner Hobo Joe was annihilated by Krimson. This week, Greg hopes to bring momentum back to the team. Bender was battling injury a week ago, but has chosen to return to the ring early to help build his team?s momentum leading into Wrestlelution 4. Which of these former PWO Tag Champs will win out?


- Shiima Xion and Jason Gory react to PWO management signing a 4-Way PWO TV Title Match for Wrestlelution 4 also involving Michael Fa?ade & PWO TV Champ Bobby Beverly!

- The alleged master of the 1980s ?Late Nite? Nicki Valentino sits down with Vic Travagliante to discuss his recent actions.



Watch the shocking returns of each man right here ?

PWO Wrestling stars continue to pop up everywhere in the world of professional wrestling. From WWE (Matthew Justice aka Mack Hetfield) to Impact Wrestling (Shiima Xion aka Xima Ion) to international tours and much more, our presence is being felt more-so now than ever before. Perhaps no examples are more apparent than the recent exploits of ?M-Dogg 20? Matt Cross.

A suburban Cleveland, Ohio native, Matt has spent a decade in the sport of professional wresting. Utilizing his background as an AAU Junior Gymnastics Champion and U.S. Olympic Team alternate in the ring, Matt performs feats of strength, balance and agility that no other professional wrestler on the planet can duplicate. Matt?s unique talents have taken him to 16 countries, competing against some of the industry?s greatest, at times in front of tens of thousands of fans. With such an extensive background, it was major news when Matt was selected as a cast member on the ?WWE Tough Enough? reality series earlier this year.

While Matt accomplished a major feat just being cast on the series, the events that would play out on the show concerning him would be the subject of speculation for some time to come. Early in the competition, the Tough Enough trainers made the decision to cut Matt from the competition and send him home. Thousands of Matt fans took to e-mail, message boards and social media to voice their outrage and displeasure. Was Matt given a fair opportunity? Was he held to impossibly high standards? Was he a victim of not having what ?they? wanted? Several theories have been thrown around but one man who we have not heard from? is Matt Cross himself.

This past Sunday night on PWO Wrestling TV on Sports Time Ohio, Matt Cross made his return to his home promotion, to appear on television and speak his mind for the very first time since Tough Enough. But he was not the only shocking return on that night.

Josh Prohibition, in many respects, is a name synonymous with Matt Cross?. Josh has served as a tag team partner and mentor to not only Matt, but also to one of the hottest competitors in the business today, Johnny Gargano. However, Josh called it a career in 2009, officially announcing his retirement and walking away. Since that time, Matt and Johnny have not only seen individual success the likes of which they?d never experienced before, but the two have been locked into a bitter and violent war with one another in PWO. It seemed sitting back and watching Matt and Johnny in such a whirlwind of activity, emotion and hostility may have re-lit a spark in Josh Prohibition.

This past Sunday night on PWO Wrestling TV on Sports Time Ohio, Josh Prohibition ALSO made his return to his home promotion, to appear on television and speak his mind for the very first time since his retirement.

The third cog to this machine? Johnny Gargano. He was in search of the identity of a man who had attacked him, seriously injuring him four months prior. What he got instead was far more than he had hoped or prepared for.

M-Dogg 20 Matt Cross? Josh Prohibition? Johnny Gargano? go ?Full Circle? on Sunday, August 7 at PWO Wrestlelution 4

Watch the shocking returns of each man right here ?

Watch this entire episode of PWO TV ? Including appearances by PWO Champion Jason Bane, ?Big Rig? Brodie Lee, Justin LaBar, Marion Fontaine, ?Amazing? N8 Mattson, Shiima Xion, plus news on Kevin Nash and Tito Santana right here ?

PWO Wrestlelution 4 Tickets On-Sale Now ?

Meet & Party With Kevin Nash AND Attend Wrestlelution 4 ?

Order this event LIVE on internet Pay-Per-View ?


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PWO Wrestling is a regional independent professional wrestling organization based in Cleveland, Ohio and owned and operated by PWO Productions. PWO TV airs weekly, every Sunday night at 10:00 EST on Sports Time Ohio, official network of MLB?s Cleveland Indians. Sports Time Ohio is available in 4.5 million cable homes, and nationwide via premium satellite sports packages. We at PWO stress family-friendly entertainment and present some of the most compelling personalities in independent professional wrestling today including Johnny Gargano, ?M-Dogg 20? Matt Cross, Shiima Xion, Portia Perez, Jason Bane, Michael ?The Bomber? Fa?ade, Aeroform and more! Some of wrestling?s most timeless legends have also stepped foot in PWO, including Greg ?The Hammer? Valentine, ?Hacksaw? Jim Duggan, and King Kong Bundy. PWO is proud to work alongside several charitable organizations and worthy causes such as Cleveland?s Cops & Kids program, Cleveland Police Athletic League, the local Army National Guard, among others. Live events are held routinely throughout eastern Ohio. For more information on PWO, please visit or e-mail


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